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  • Effective Strategies for Management in Software Development: Insights from Suris Code

    The success in software development largely depends on effective project management. At Suris Code, we've found that the difference between a successful project and one that falls short often lies in how key management aspects are addressed. In this blog, we'll explore these essential pillars and share our practical advice based on our experience. Pillars of Management in Software Development 1. Resource Management Importance: Efficient resource management is fundamental. It involves ensuring that the team, time, and budget align with the project's goals. Proper resource allocation and management ensure that resources are available and used productively. Suris Code’s Advice: Know Your Team: Understanding each team member's skills and strengths allows for more effective task assignments. Strategic Allocation: Ensure that every resource has complete mastery of their responsibilities and that their leader has a holistic vision of the product. 2. Planning and Monitoring Importance: Precise planning and continuous monitoring are crucial. Setting clear objectives and priorities allows for efficient execution and facilitates the early identification of deviations or issues. Suris Code’s Advice: Individual Refinement: Allocate time for reviewing each definition individually. Continuous Communication: Maintain daily and formal communication with the team to prevent deviations and minimize risks. 3. Product Quality Importance: Maintaining high quality standards is vital. This involves code reviews, effective testing, and a focus on continuous improvement. Suris Code’s Advice: Annual Quality Program: Implement cross-unit testing and regular code reviews. Secure Development Standards: Establish and follow development and testing standards that ensure software quality and security. 4. Effective Communication Importance: Clear and effective communication is essential for the success of any project. A lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and errors. Suris Code’s Advice: Know Your Team and Stakeholders: Understanding their times and priorities helps align efforts and goals. Open Channels of Communication: Use collaborative tools to facilitate effective and continuous communication. 5. Decision Making Importance: Selecting technologies, software architecture, and development priorities are crucial decisions. Solid and aligned decision-making with project goals is essential. Suris Code’s Advice: Space for Key Decisions: Include moments in planning to determine fundamental project aspects. Decision Validation: Ensure that decisions are validated with stakeholders and based on expert knowledge. 6. Conflict Resolution Importance: The ability to effectively resolve conflicts is crucial to maintaining project progress. Suris Code’s Advice: Continuous Monitoring: Be attentive to potential conflicts and address them as soon as they arise. Impact Evaluation: Analyze how conflicts affect the project and seek quick and effective solutions. 7. Team Motivation Importance: A motivated and committed team is more productive and satisfied. Effective leadership is key to inspiring and supporting the team. Suris Code’s Advice: Performance Evaluations and Skill Matrices: Use these tools to understand and enhance each team member's capabilities. Customized Development: Offer development opportunities that align with the interests and strengths of the team, thereby fostering growth and motivation. 8. Risk Management Importance: Proactive identification and management of risks are essential to avoid unpleasant surprises and keep the project on the right track. Suris Code’s Advice: Early Risk Identification: Incorporate risk identification from the planning phase and throughout the project monitoring. Mitigation Measures: Develop and implement strategies to mitigate identified risks early and effectively. 9. Stakeholder Feedback Importance: Keeping stakeholders informed is crucial for aligning expectations and strengthening the trust relationship. Suris Code’s Advice: Regular and Effective Communication: Ensure that stakeholders are continuously informed about the project's progress, challenges, and achievements. Collaborative Tools: Use technology to share updates and relevant documentation, thus facilitating clear and timely feedback. Conclusion: At Suris Code, we believe that effective management in software development is a balance between technical knowledge, leadership skills, and communication strategies. By implementing these principles, we not only improve our internal processes but also deliver higher quality products that meet and exceed our clients' expectations. If you're looking for a technology partner who deeply understands the challenges of software development and how to effectively overcome them, book a call with us. We are here to transform your ideas into innovative and successful solutions.

  • Jean Sammet: The Groundbreaking Pioneer of Programming Languages

    Jean Sammet, born on March 23, 1928, was a computer scientist and programmer who made significant contributions to the development of programming languages and computer science education. Her work had a profound impact on the world of computing, and her legacy continues to influence the field today. Sammet's interest in mathematics and programming began at a young age. She earned a degree in mathematics from Mount Holyoke College in 1948 and went on to study computer science at the University of Illinois. She received her PhD in mathematics from the university in 1968. Sammet's early work focused on the development of programming languages. She was one of the designers of the COBOL language, which was widely used in business and government applications in the 1960s and 1970s. She also worked on the development of the FORMAC language, which was used for symbolic manipulation and algebraic computation. Sammet was a pioneer in the field of computer science education. She developed a curriculum for teaching computer programming to beginners, and she was instrumental in establishing the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. Her efforts helped to promote computer science education and increase the number of women in the field. Sammet was also an advocate for the preservation of computing history. She served as the president of the Charles Babbage Institute, a research center dedicated to the history of computing, and she was a co-founder of the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sammet's contributions to the field of computer science were recognized with numerous awards and honors. She was elected as a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in 1974 and received the organization's Distinguished Service Award in 1985. In 2001, she was inducted into the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame. Jean Sammet passed away on May 20, 2017, but her legacy lives on in the world of computing. Her work laid the foundation for the development of programming languages and computer science education, and her advocacy for the preservation of computing history has ensured that future generations will be able to appreciate the important role that computing has played in shaping our world.

  • Unlocking the full potential of remote work: Strategies for success

    In our daily lives, it is common for us to encounter remote or hybrid work opportunities that allow us to work from outside the office. At Suris Code Software Factory, we want to offer you some recommendations to keep in mind: Productivity In remote or hybrid work, it is important to demonstrate through actions and verbal communication that you are capable of working effectively and maintaining high levels of productivity. This involves having a work-focused mindset, establishing schedules and routines that allow you to maximize your work time while ensuring that you have enough time to rest and disconnect. Productivity also involves being able to manage your own workload and effectively prioritize to meet the objectives set by your company. Make sure your work is organized and planned effectively, so you can meet deadlines and deliver high-quality projects on time. It is also important to be proactive in seeking solutions and finding ways to optimize work to improve efficiency. This not only demonstrates your ability to work independently but also indicates your commitment to continuously improving your skills and results. Communication When working remotely or in a hybrid model, maintaining clear and effective communication with your colleagues and supervisors is essential. It is important to use available communication tools such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and phone calls to ensure that you are connected with your team and up to date with the latest updates. Effective communication also involves responding promptly to messages and proactively following up with your colleagues and supervisors to ensure that objectives and deadlines are being met. In addition, it is important to ensure that communication is clear and concise, avoiding misunderstandings or confusion that can cause problems at work. If you are unsure about something, do not hesitate to ask and clarify any doubts you may have. Another important aspect of communication in remote or hybrid work is the ability to maintain good interpersonal relationships and a collaborative work environment despite the physical distance. This involves maintaining a proactive and constructive attitude, being able to provide feedback effectively and receiving constructive criticism with an open mind. Technology and tools In remote or hybrid work, it is crucial to have access to the necessary technologies and tools to carry out your work effectively and efficiently. This includes hardware such as computers, mobile devices, and other specialized equipment, as well as specific work software and applications. It is important to ensure that you have a reliable and fast internet connection, which will allow you to connect to your company's tools and systems without interruptions or delays. It is also necessary to ensure that you have access to the collaboration and communication platforms used by your team, such as email, chats, and video conferencing tools. If something is missing to perform your work effectively, it is important to request the additional resources you may need. You can contact your company's technology or human resources department to request the additional equipment or tools you need. In addition, it is important to stay updated and trained in the use of the tools and technologies used by your company. Make sure to stay up to date with the latest updates and new technologies that may be relevant to your work, and look for training and professional development opportunities to improve your skills and knowledge. Responsibility Responsibility is a crucial aspect when it comes to remote or hybrid work. When working outside of the office, it's important to demonstrate that you're reliable and capable of effectively and efficiently meeting established objectives. It's important to establish a work schedule and consistently adhere to it. Make sure you're available to your coworkers and supervisors during agreed-upon work hours, and respond promptly to messages and emails. It's also essential to establish clear and measurable goals for your work and ensure that you meet them. This may include deadlines, deliverables, and performance metrics. If you're having difficulty meeting a goal or deadline, it's important to communicate it to your supervisors and coworkers to find solutions together. Another important aspect of responsibility is maintaining a high level of quality in your work. Make sure to follow best practices and quality standards established by your company, and review and correct your work before submitting it. Additionally, it's important to be proactive and take the initiative to solve problems and improve processes. If you see something that can be improved or something that isn't functioning correctly, communicate it to your coworkers and supervisors and work together to find solutions. Data Security and Confidentiality Data security and confidentiality are fundamental aspects in any type of work, but especially when working remotely or in a hybrid environment. It's important to demonstrate that you're capable of maintaining company data security and information confidentiality while working outside of the office. To ensure data security, it's important to use up-to-date and secure technologies and tools. Make sure to use a secure network and have a secure and unique password for your work accounts. Don't share your passwords with anyone and avoid using public Wi-Fi networks that may be vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, it's important to keep your devices and programs updated with the latest security patches and updates. It's also important to use security tools, such as antivirus software and firewalls, to protect your devices and data. As for information confidentiality, it's important to be aware of sensitive data and ensure it's not shared with unauthorized persons. This includes keeping confidential information in a secure and protected place, not sending confidential information through email or insecure messaging, and not sharing confidential information with people who are not authorized to access it. Furthermore, it's important to follow company security policies and procedures and receive the necessary training to maintain data security and information confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns about data security or information confidentiality, communicate them to your supervisors and coworkers to find solutions together. In conclusion, both remote and in-person work are based on the trust of both parties, effective communication, and joint collaboration to achieve set objectives. At Suris Code Software Factory, we celebrate the values that accompany different work modalities, which empower all involved parties. Let's continue working together to achieve success!

  • Tuesday, October 11th is celebrated as Ada Lovelace Day (ALD)

    The Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration of women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Its goal is to raise the profile of women in STEM and, by doing so, create new role models that will encourage more young people to pursue STEM careers and support women who already do so. Founded in 2009 by Suw Charman-Anderson, it is now held every year on the second Tuesday of October, in which women dedicated to STEM give brief talks about their work or research in an informal theater-like setting. But who was Ada Lovelace after all? Born in 1815, Ada Lovelace collaborated with British inventor Charles Babbage on his general-purpose computer, the "Analytical Engine". In 1843, Lovelace published what we would now call a computer program to generate Bernoulli numbers (a sequence of rational numbers used in number theory). While Babbage had written program fragments before, Lovelace's was the most complete, elaborate, and the first to be published. More importantly, Lovelace was the first person to envision the creative potential of the "Analytical Engine". She explained how it could do much more than just calculate numbers, and could potentially create music and art, with the right programming and inputs. Her vision of the possibilities of computing was unmatched by any of her peers and went unnoticed for a century. As a recent tribute, the Cardano blockchain currency is named "ADA" in honor of Lovelace. At Suris Code, we join this international celebration and want to encourage more women to choose science and technology to empower their profession and unleash their creativity. That's why we invite women students with software development skills to learn about the benefits we can offer. Contact us at For more information:

  • Hedy Lamarr, Pioneer of WiFi and Bluetooth

    What do Hollywood, World War II, and WiFi have in common? The answer is an Austrian film actress and inventor named Hedy Lamarr, born in 1914. In 1941, half the world was at war and the other half was about to enter it. Hedy was well acquainted with Hitler's government practices and harbored a deep resentment towards the Nazis, so she decided to contribute personally to the Allies' war effort. First, she offered her work and engineering expertise to the newly created National Inventors Council, but her offer was kindly rejected by the authorities, who advised her to use her physique and success as an actress to promote the sale of war bonds. Far from being discouraged, she consulted with her artistic representative and they devised a campaign in which anyone who purchased $25,000 or more in bonds would receive a kiss from the actress. In one night alone, she sold $7 million. And she continued... The frequency hopping spread spectrum was born after Lamarr realized that the radio signals guiding US Navy torpedoes were very easy to interfere with, causing them to deviate from their initial course. In conversation with composer George Antheil, they realized that frequency could be changed in the same way that notes are changed on a player piano (using a pair of perforated and synchronized drums to switch between 88 frequencies). And so they did. The military did not realize the usefulness of this invention until the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Lamarr's technology was used to control torpedoes and communication, and today, it is still in use for mobile networks, Bluetooth devices, and WiFi. Unfortunately, in her time, she did not receive the recognition she deserved for her contribution to technology. It was not until she was 82 years old that she and George Antheil (who had died in 1959) received the Pioneer Award in 1997, granted by the American organization Electronic Frontier Foundation, for their discoveries and contributions to the high-frequency technology field. In Austria, Inventor's Day is celebrated on November 9 in her honor. At Suris Code, we promote innovation and recognition for the contributions of historical figures who have generated immeasurable technological advances that have changed people's lives and organizations.

  • Nearshoring: The Smart Choice for Software Development

    In recent years, nearshoring has emerged as a popular and effective way to outsource software development. For those unfamiliar with the term, nearshoring refers to the practice of outsourcing software development to a neighboring country, rather than to a location far away. This approach has become increasingly popular for a number of reasons, and it's something that companies should consider when choosing a software development partner. Here are some of the advantages of nearshoring for software development: Close proximity: One of the main advantages of nearshoring is that the development team is located in a nearby country. This means that there are fewer time zone differences and language barriers, which can make communication easier and more efficient. Cultural similarity: When working with a nearshoring partner, it's likely that the cultural and business practices will be more similar to those of your company. This can help reduce misunderstandings and ensure that the software development process is aligned with your organization's goals and values. Cost savings: While nearshoring may not always be the cheapest option, it is generally more cost-effective than onshoring (hiring local developers) or offshoring (outsourcing to a distant country). Nearshoring offers a balance between quality and affordability, with rates that are often lower than in the US, Canada or Europe. High-quality talent: Many nearshoring partners offer highly skilled developers with the latest technical skills and certifications. Choosing the right software development partner is crucial for the success of any project. By partnering with Suris Code, you can benefit from our nearshoring advantages and get access to our high-quality talent at competitive rates. With our team of experienced developers, we can help you deliver high-quality software solutions that meet your business needs. Don't wait any longer to take advantage of nearshoring for your software development needs. Visit us at to learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed in your next project.

  • Classic problems in software development

    Software engineering is a discipline that has undergone years of improvement. Over time, specialists have collected experiences and lessons learned from millions of projects and teams. Here are the main problems that a software development project may face: 1. Unrealistic time estimation Making a good calculation of the resources, time, and costs required to carry out the project is a task that is sometimes not approached in the right way. No one wants to hire a service with a certain budget for time and cost, only to find out that it will actually take twice as long and costs will multiply. Although estimation is largely a process based on experience, there are also techniques to get fairly close to a good estimate. Therefore, setting realistic expectations regarding these two topics, thanks to proper planning and analysis, is crucial. A technique that allows us to have an idea of how a project was estimated is to check the following: Did the provider have meetings with me to conduct a previous analysis? Did they contact me to resolve any doubts? Did they request documentation to help them estimate? Did they express what I need, as to verify if they understood me? If any of these points were not present during the process, it may be an indication that your project has some risk of not being well estimated and quoted. 2. Incorrect risk management It is vital to perform a good analysis of the project risks and actions to mitigate them, so that the work plan is not stopped or delayed by unforeseen risks in the analysis. It is then necessary to identify at least known and predictable risks, whether they are related to technology, people, context, market, competitors, and/or government, to be prepared with an action plan in case any of the identified risks occur. Doing this planning exercise allows us to align expectations to be more realistic, depending on the possibility of certain risks happening and their criticality. If many risks with a high probability of occurrence and criticality are identified, it is necessary to establish a broader action framework. Conversely, if the probabilities are very low and their impact is not very high, then the plan can proceed as estimated. 3. Insufficient quality control Quality assurance is a fundamental stage in your software project, as in this stage, all critical and breaking points in the operation of a given business and towards which the software is aimed are validated. It is recommended that at least 30% of the total development time be allocated to the tests that the quality department performs. Estimating a shorter time is not advisable, as according to experts, it cannot really be guaranteed that the software can perform everything expected correctly, even when the functionality to be validated is better known. As a customer, you have every right to request results (documents that support their execution) of at least the following operations carried out in this phase, whether in waterfall projects or in SCRUM: test plan, test case design, test cycle execution, integral test validation, and automated testing. 4. Technical debt Technical debt is the accumulation of design or coding shortcuts that can cause problems in the future. The classic problem is that technical debt is often ignored or not managed properly, leading to an increase in maintenance costs, a reduction in performance, and limited scalability. To mitigate this problem, it is essential to identify technical debt early, prioritize it, and allocate resources to pay it off. 5. Requirements management Requirements are the foundation of software development, and managing them is crucial for project success. The classic problem is that requirements are often poorly defined, incomplete, or constantly changing, resulting in unexpected scope, missed deadlines, and additional costs. To mitigate this problem, it is essential to involve stakeholders early in the process, establish clear communication channels, and use collaborative tools such as user stories, prototypes, and mockups. 6. Not involving the end user or client Their participation is essential for developers to receive constant feedback that allows for adjustments during the project's execution. This avoids reaching the end, only to recognize that much of it needs to be rebuilt. The client determines the success of the software, as if the user does not approve it or considers that it does not solve the identified need or desire, then the project has been in vain. Another fundamental aspect is not only involving the user to ensure that the software fulfills its purpose but that it does so in the best possible way, considering the interaction that the user will have with the system to provide the best possible experience. 7. Not communicating "what will happen" A common situation is to omit "telling what will happen" during project execution. This undermines the client's expectations and can generate feelings of frustration that can be avoided. It is useful from the beginning to face what commonly happens throughout the life cycle of your project, communicating it clearly: All projects can suffer delays, some due to supplier reasons, and others due to the client. That does not mean that it will not be successful in the end. It may be tedious for you to be repeatedly asked about the details of the requirements, but this is important to eliminate ambiguities ("the devil is in the details"). You may have to participate in many meetings, even after telling your supplier everything they need to know. And it will bother you that in those meetings, new requirements arise, and you are told that they are not within the original scope, demanding additional costs and time. But if the above is not communicated and accepted in advance, unnecessary friction will surely be generated due to unaligned expectations. At Suris Code, we help our clients avoid these situations and obtain a pleasant and stress-free project experience.

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